Por Carl Lamers Una de las quejas más comunes que recibo de los podadores de árboles de despeje de…→
Work Requests Raise Concerns
By Carl Lamers One of the most common complaints I hear from Line Clearance Tree Trimmers concerns t…→
Tree Trimmers Stewards – en Español
Los representantes sindicales de podadores de árboles de despeje de líneas y control de vegeta…→
Tree Trimmers Stewards Conference
Line Clearance Tree Trimmer and Vegetation Control stewards met at Weakley Hall on April 9 to review…→
Jose Luis Sanchez 25-Year Award
Jose Luis Sanchez, who works for Asplundh Tree Expert in Woodside, CA, received his 25-year gold wat…→
Davey Crew Has 56 Years Experience
Davey Tree Foreman Pete Ely, right, has 25 years of experience as a union line clearance tree trimme…→
Mountain Firewood Enterprise Pact
Local 1245 members ratified an agreement with Mountain Firewood Enterprise, Inc. in a mail-ballot ra…→
Tree Trimmer Negotiations – en Español
Ratificado pacto con Trees, Inc. Los miembros del Local 1245 que trabajan para Trees, Inc. ratificar…→
Tree Trimmer Negotiations
Trees, Inc. pact ratified Local 1245 members at Trees, Inc. on Nov. 13 ratified a two-year contract…→
Tree Contract Extension
IBEW Local 1245 members will have the opportunity to vote on an offer to extend the current labor ag…→