IBEW 1245 is proud to announce that PG&E Diablo Business Representative Jody Castro has been pro…→
Archives for November 2022
Letter Agreement 22-34: GC Field Fleet Crane Surveyor Line of Progression
The Company and Union recently met to discuss California Occupational Safety and Health Regulations…→
IBEW Statement on IBEW President Lonnie R. Stephenson Retirement, International Secretary-Treasurer Kenneth W. Cooper Named New President
The International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers issued the following statement: International Br…→
US Approves Aid to Extend Life of California Nuclear Plant (via NY Times)
no excerpt
Speaker Pelosi Statement on the Passing of Fred Ross, Jr. (via Speaker)
“Paul and I join Californians and all Americans in mourning the loss of Fred Ross, Jr. – a relen…→
IBEW 1245 Grieves the Passing of Brother Fred Ross, Jr. and Honors his Legacy (UPDATED)
A message from Business Manager Bob Dean on the passing of Fred Ross, Jr.: It is with profound sadne…→
New Agreement Ratified at City of Redding – Maintenance
The City and Union came to a tentative agreement, took it to a vote and ratified on November 2nd. Th…→
Letter Agreement 22-26: Extend Pilot Temporary Co-Mingling Agreement (supersedes 22-19)
This Letter Agreement supersedes LA 22-19 whereby the parties agree to extend the below Pilot agreem…→
Message from PG&E Regarding Transition from HealthEquity | WageWorks to Optum
A Message from PG&E: Effective January 1, 2023, Optum Financial is replacing HealthEquity | Wage…→
Letter Agreement 22-33: Helicopter Long-Line Premium (cancels and supersedes 16-23)
This letter agreement cancels and supersedes Letter Agreement 16-23 and clarifies who would be respo…→