Hanging Out in Cell Phone Land As we all know, technology advances at an alarming rate. What we purc…→
Test the Air
Take Time to Test the Air Those of us who have worked in vaults and manholes know that sometimes the…→
Time to be Safe
Time to be Safe Ashton Kutcher stars in a great movie called “The Butterfly Effect.” In this sto…→
Induction: Invisible Killer
Induction: The Other Invisible Killer Those of us who work with electricity know the dangers of this…→
Ladder Safety
Ladder Safety With the arrival of spring many of us will be pulling out our ladders to work on the h…→
In the Bite
“IN THE BITE” “In the bite” is a term difficult to explain to someone who has never…→
Driving Do’s & Don’ts
DRIVING DO’s AND DON’Ts I know we all see people driving badly and I am sure some of us…→
Seasons Change
SEASONS CHANGE The change in season is upon us. Depending on where you live it can vary from severe…→
Safe Autumn
SAFE AUTUMN Fall is the time of year with spectacular colors. But the beauty of fall is short lived…→
Backing Safely
BACKING SAFELY Driving forward is one thing, but backing up is a totally different situation requiri…→