By Eric Wolfe IBEW 1245 Organizing Stewards Kristen Rasmussen and Michael Musgrove savored the taste…→
Day-by-day Updates: 1245 Organizing Stewards aid teachers strike in Oregon
DAY NINE: More rallies, picketing in support of teachers IBEW 1245 members on frontlines IBEW 1245 O…→
Juarez and Salkauskas honored for Illinois campaign
They weren’t looking for recognition—they just wanted to help. But the good work of IBEW 1245 Or…→
Organizing Stewards share their most memorable organizing experiences
Veronica Rivera, NV Energy: “Having the opportunity to lobby elected officials was something very…→
Organizing Stewards vault IBEW 1245 into forefront of member organizing
By Rebecca Band “Inspiring…” “Amazing…” “Moving…” “Important…” “Exciti…→
Walmart strikers thank IBEW 1245
Walmart workers and strikers chose a tasty way to thank Business Manager Tom Dalzell and the IBEW 12…→
IBEW 1245 members power organizing victory at Greenlee
By Eric Wolfe The campaign to organize a Greenlee tool manufacturing plant in Rockford, Illinois rea…→
Lessons from the OUR Walmart campaign
By Jammi Juarez The OUR Walmart campaign taught me the importance of community ally support. I was…→
UFCW President honors IBEW 1245 members who joined OUR Walmart campaign
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Sept 5th: Take Action against Walmart in Sacramento