What does it mean to belong to a union? It means you are not alone. Your wages, benefits and working conditions are protected by a legally-binding union contract. If your rights are violated on the job, your union stands with you. If your wages and benefits come under attack, your union defends you.
These protections didn’t happen by accident. They are the result of union members standing together through many decades of collective action. Check the agreements section to find a copy of your union contract, or ask your union Business Representative for a hard copy.
The benefits of being in a union aren’t limited to those in the union contract. Explore Know Your Benefits” to learn about the many additional benefits of union membership, including discounted prices on many goods and services.
This is your union. We can continue to improve wages, benefits and working conditions, but we need your participation. A good way to start is by attending the monthly Local 1245 unit meeting nearest you. Good luck in your new job. We’re glad to have you with us!
In Unity,
Bob Dean
IBEW 1245 Business Manager