Photos from the IBEW 1245 Pin Dinner in Sacramento on April 18th, 2014…→
Archives for May 2014
Fast food strikes go global
USA Today hit the nail on the head when it said, “For the Fast Food Industry… [low wages] is…→
IBEW 1245 members at PG&E take top honors at LADWP Lineman’s Rodeo
On Saturday May 17th, PG&E Linemen and Apprentice Linemen competed in the Los Angeles Department…→
June 12: Special Book Event with UC Berkeley Labor Center’s Ken Jacobs
Robert Reich, Maria Elena Durazo headline IBEW 1245 leadership seminar
Former U.S. Secretary of Labor Robert Reich doesn’t mince words. He lambasted President Obama’s…→
June 21: Power Pines Fishing Derby for SMUD workers and families
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PG&E contract extension ratified
The PG&E ballot committee today announced that the IBEW 1245 physical and clerical members at PG…→
New meeting time for Stockton Unit #2511
The IBEW 1245 Stockton Unit #2511 has changed its meeting time to 5:30 pm, effective June 12. Meetin…→
July 10: Keep The Clearance Safety Summit
Para espanol, despl탡cese hacia abajo IBEW Local 1245 Keep the Clearance Peer Committee present…→
Ron Cochran departs IBEW 1245 staff
On May 9, the staff and leaders of IBEW 1245 bid farewell to Senior Assistant Business Manager Ron C…→