IBEW members at AC Transit on July 20 ratified the tentative agreement reached with the AC Tr…→
Archives for August 2011
City of Oakland Pact Ratified
Local 1245 member on July 6 voted unanimously to approve a two-year agreement reached with the City…→
Redding Outsources Convention Jobs
In the end, City of Redding public officials simply ignored the public. The Redding City Council vot…→
Peer 2 Peer Gas Safety
Physical Bargaining Update
The Physical Committee was in Vacaville the week of July 25. We are still working on the justificati…→
Benefits Bargaining Update
The Local 1245 Benefits Bargaining Committee plans to meet with the company on Tuesdays in September…→
Phone Banking Cancelled
PHONE BANKERS NOT NEEDED FOR WISCONSIN AFTER ALL If you signed up to help phone bank to recall anti-…→
Ukiah Unit Has New Meeting Time
UKIAH UNIT HAS NEW START TIME Unit 3714, Ukiah, has a new start time effective Aug. 7, 2011: 3:45 p…→
Deficit Hysteria Masks Real Issue
WASHINGTON — This week’s big debt deal has left progressives despairing over a disconnec…→
Roseville Members Jam Meeting
Local 1245 members packed the council chambers, above, and also filled up an “overflow”…→