Local 1245’s Peer-to-Peer Program
Regulate the Voltage (RTV) is IBEW 1245’s peer-to-peer safety committee for members who work in substation, generation and operations.
This group is dedicated to safety creating a safety culture that motivates IBEW substation, generation, and operations workers to promote safety through mutual support and protection on the job. Sometimes the pressures of the job, or simple inattention, may lead to cutting corners or creating a hazardous working condition. It is the responsibility of every member who spots such a condition to “Regulate the Voltage” by stopping the work until the hazard is addressed.
Members can consult with a Regulate the Voltage Safety Steward to help resolve safety concerns that arise. If the Safety Steward is not able to resolve the issue, it can be referred to the Regulate the Voltage Advisory Committee.
If you want more information about the Regulate the Voltage program, or to volunteer to be a Safety Steward, please contact Business Representative Fred Aboud.
REGULATE THE VOLTAGE Peer Advisory Committee
Chairman – Brad Early, Distribution Operator, NV Energy
775-338-5068, Bradearly@me.com
Recorder- Josh Halliburton, Dist. Operator, NV Energy
775-846-7147, Wickedxt@gmail.com
Mike Tafoya, Sub. Electrician Foreman, SMUD
425-457-6230, t42mike@gmail.com
Jason Duran, Sub Foreman A, PG&E Martin
925-642-9330, Jay_duran32@yahoo.com
Steve Ross, Power System Operator, SMUD
916-384-6096, ross.a.steve@gmail.com
Daneal Harris Jr., Transmission Dispatcher, PG&E
510-965-7153, dpharris1775@gmail.com
Ken Manke, Plant Operator, NV Energy
775-240-7946, reno3fan@gmail.com
Chris Anderson, General Foreman Substations, NV Energy
775-303-4101, Andersonic4795@gmail.com
Neil Norris, Substation Maintenance Electrician, PG&E
530-821-9471, NNorris25@hotmail.com
Garrett Gross, Distribution Operator, SMUD
916-539-8004, garrettgross1985@gmail.com