Through collective bargaining, Local 1245 makes it possible for employees like you to achieve more for yourself and your family. Our union sets the standard for wages, benefits and working conditions in energy and related industries.
Collective bargaining gives us the strength to achieve:
- Legally-binding wage scales determined by the labor agreement–not by the whims of management
- Wage progression and cost-of-living raises
- Sick leave, vacation, and holiday pay
- Pension plan
- Overtime premium pay
- Medical, vision and dental insurance with employer-paid premiums
Collective bargaining can also help you win better job security:
- Grievance procedures to fight unjust discipline or termination
- Seniority provisions to protect against punitive layoffs
- Opportunities for training
- Bidding rights to give you the opportunity to move up to higher-paying job classifications

IBEW 1245 Staff Organizers, from left: Melissa Echeverria, ABM Rene Cruz Martinez, Rick Thompson, and Charlotte Stevens
IBEW Local 1245 has been proving the power of unity for over 60 years. Our labor agreements protect employees in hundreds of different job classifications.
The bottom line is this: you have a legally-protected right to union representation. But you have to be willing to step forward and ask for help.
If you would like more information about being represented by IBEW Local 1245, please take a look at the links on this page, or contact an IBEW 1245 staff organizer by e-mail.