Section 24.3 Anti-Abrogation Clause
Section | Date | Description |
P RC 20785 | 4/19/2012 | The Northern Office Services establishing a vacation policy on scheduling and cancelling vacation is not a violation of Sec. 24.3 of the Clerical Agmt. |
LA R2-07-02 | 1/30/2007 | To waive the provisions of the San Francisco Sick Leave Ordinance which goes into effect on Feb. 5, 2007. The parties will continue to honor the negotiated sick leave provisions contained in the collective bargaining agreements. |
P RC 15119 & 15122 | 2/16/2005 | No violation of the agreement occurred when Co. reduced to one prebid code per classification (Clerical) per location within Area 2 at East Bay, Diablo and Mission Divs. |
E-Mail between Union & Co. | 6/17/1999 | PGE& Corporate Policy - Outside Employment Policy assure that Unions B.U. members are apprised that this policy is not applicable to them. |
LA 98-77 | 9/9/1998 | The Co. proposes the following effective with the conversion to Ponderosa Phone Company: (1) Co. will pay all installation and/or transfer cost of one phone unit; and, (2) Co. will pay each employee (headquartered at Balch Camp) a one time lump sum of $1,500. See also 107.1 and 607 Physical. |
P-RC 904 | 11/13/1984 | Transfer of an Acctg. Clerk and his duties to the Personnel Sec. of the VP & Comptrollers Dept., thereby removing the classification, the work, and the employee from B.U. Co. will pay the person(s) who actually performed the work at the Acctg. Clerk rate. |
P-RC 899 | 9/10/1984 | Company will live up to decision in P-RC 804. Information received after decision was made caused Company to put only part of decision into effect. See 18.3. |
LA R3-84-29 | 7/27/1984 | Cancels Company letters of 12-7-83 and 10-28-83. Company policy will revert to practice in effect prior to 10-1-83, and rain gear will be provided to employees working in unprotected areas. See Physical 203 and 303. |
P-RC 880 | 12/23/1983 | The temporary filling of two Utility Clerk-Operating positions at Edenvale Service Center with agency employees resolved by filling Utility Clerk vacancies. |
P-RC 793 | 9/15/1983 | Supervisors will not require bilingual Customer Services Clerks to use their language skills to assist non-English speaking customers. Use of skills will be voluntary, as it was prior to October, 1981. See LOP. |
P-RC 804 | 3/15/1983 | Two senior qualified prebidders to Head Meter Reader will be retroactively paid for the six months that incumbent Head Mtr Rdrs were upgraded to exempt Customer Services positions, which incorporated some of their previous duties. The duties have since been returned to Head Meter Readers. During the six months, the Head Meter Reader positions were vacant. See 18.3. |
P-RC 714 | 8/25/1982 | The elimination of a Senior Service Representative I position due to technological changes is not a violation of the contract. |
RC 1519 | 9/22/1981 | Local Investigating Committee is to negotiate an improved written Meter Reader route assignment procedure for Sacramento District. |
P-RC 572 | 2/23/1981 | The Agreement was not violated when a grievant was moved from his Clerk C job, which was designated RWV, to a vacant Clerk C job, against his will. See 24.1. |
P-RC 571 | 2/11/1981 | Conditions of Operating clerical unit at Colma have not been negatively changed by Company workload study, where classifications and clerical component are the same as they were when study was conducted in 1978. |
ARB 44 | 7/10/1974 | Discontinuing per diem payment of $2.50 transportation for certain Keypunch Operators was a violation of the contract. Retroactive payment awarded. |
RC 439 | 5/13/1963 | Job of Joint Pole Clerk reorganized and Clerk B position eliminated. Part of job went to Engineer outside bargaining unit. Grievant retired; issue moot. |