IBEW 1245 campaigners Foster Goree, Al Fortier, Hunter Stern, Arnaldo Lizarraga, Fred Ross, Jay Koslofsky (friend of 1245) and Alvin Dayoan with Mia Bonta and Rob Bonta
IBEW 1245 Organizing Stewards assisted with the special election for CA Assembly District 18 in support of Labor’s candidate, Mia Bonta. The special election was held on August 31 and our candidate won a decisive victory. Organizing Stewards Alvin Dayoan and Foster Goree helped setup canvassing, phone banks, and texting with the staff of the Alameda Central Labor Council. IBEW 1245 staffers Hunter Stern, Al Fortier, Fred Ross and Organizing Steward Arnaldo Lizarraga also volunteered their Saturdays.
“Foster and I canvassed more than 600+ doors together and made more than 1000+ dials within the span of two weeks. In addition, Organizing Steward Valarie Moralez joined us remotely for week two, and gave our campaign a jump start, averaging over 170 calls per day,” Dayoan reported. “We also hosted a canvassing event in conjunction with Mia Bonta and special guest our Attorney General of California, Rob Bonta. I consider Rob Bonta my political hero, inspiring Filipinos like me to get more involved in politics and aspire to be a political leader in the future.”
“I am very excited for the outcome of this election and will look forward to volunteering my time after work to help our brothers and sisters that are fighting the good fight,” he added.