The IBEW Local 1245 members at the City of Healdsburg have voted to extend their 2017-2020 MOU out to June 30, 2022 in an effort to get past the negative financial impacts of COVID-19. The parties took the opportunity to revise the MOU by addressing clean-up items and incorporating Letters of Agreement (LOA) entered into during the course of the 2017-2020 agreement, including the post-Janus LOA amending Art. 1.6 Union Security. Additionally, Art 14.4 Vacation Sales was amended to avoid IRS constructive receipt issues, and Sick Leave Provision Articles 15.3 Pay Upon Retirement and 15.4 Sick Leave Bonus were amended to maintain the benefit of Retirement Health Savings Arrangement with process and investment vehicle (Post-Retirement Health Reimbursement Arrangement) that avoids IRS constructive receipt issues.
The extension also incorporates amended wage tables after the 2019 equity adjustments to electric classifications for recruitment and retention, as well as additional covered classifications, due to the Classification and Compensation Study conducted in 2019. The city and the membership agreed to a wage re-opener should the city experience sales tax and transient occupancy tax revenues meeting or exceeding those of fiscal year 2018-2019 for three consecutive months.
Finally, the signature page was revised to reflect our new Business Manager and 1245 Bargaining Committee, which includes members Ethan Cottrell, Jason Hageman, Rudy Juarez, Stephen Nelson, John Sanneman, and myself.
–JV Macor, IBEW 1245 Business Rep