IBEW 1245 members at Lindmore Irrigation District have ratified a new MOU, which was subsequently approved by the Lindmore ID Board.
The new three-year agreement includes wage increases of 3.5% for January of 2020, 4% for January 2021 and 4% for 2022, with a compaction adjustment for the O&MW2 of .093% with upward effects with a total of 4.43% for 2020 for all classifications. We created the new classification of O&MW3, with a 5% compaction, and we also created a new salary for the Lead with a salary compaction of 47.46% between it and the O&MW3. The three-year wage package totals 12.43% plus an additional 5% for the promotional advancement to O&MW3, amounting to 17.43% for most of the current employees.
The MOU also includes a new $150 boot allowance per year, as well as some cleanup language for the grievance procedure, added language for an SDI vote, seniority layoff protection for 12 months, new contracting out protection language, and meet-and-confer over new qualifications/certifications.
Shop Steward Gary Vail helped in the negotiations.
–Jaime Tinoco, IBEW 1245 Business Rep