The key to success is eliminating natural gas as an electricity resource, stakeholders told Utility…→
Archives for May 2019
2019 Redding Service Awards
Photos from the IBEW 1245 Pin Dinner in Redding on May 10, 2019…→
New Agreement Ratified at Shelter Cove Resort Improvement District 1
The IBEW Local 1245 membership at the Shelter Cove Resort Improvement District 1 unanimously ratifie…→
Press Release: IBEW 1245 Strongly Supports PG&E Wildfire Victims Fund
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Rebecca Band, IBEW 1245 (510) 326 0897 VACAVILLE,…→
Notice from IBEW 1245 Election Committee Regarding Ballot Mailing Notification & Observer Process
This notice is to inform you that on Thursday and Friday, May 23rd and 24th, 2019 @ 9:00am,…→
Congressman LaMalfa Announces Wildfire Recovery Funding to Rebuild California (Press Release)
Congressman Doug LaMalfa (R-Richvale) issued the following statement after the U.S. Department of Ho…→
PG&E caused Camp Fire, Cal Fire says (via SF Chronicle)
The deadliest and most destructive wildfire in California history, which killed 85 people and wiped…→
IBEW 1245 Joins Broad New Coalition to Urge Meaningful Legislative Action to Address Increased Frequency and Severity of Wildfires in California
“Throughout the state, significant work is underway by thousands of IBEW members who are worki…→
San Francisco eyes purchase of PG&E grid assets (via UtilityDive)
A report released Monday from the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) concludes publi…→
EWMC Hosts Bowling Night Fundraiser
The Electrical Workers Minority Caucus (EWMC) Solano Chapter hosted a bowling fundraiser on Friday,…→