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Archives for January 2019
Federal Prosecutors Urge Judge to Back Off on Tough New Measures Against PG&E (via KQED)
Federal prosecutors are urging the federal judge overseeing PG&E’s criminal probation to r…→
Bringing Water Back to Paradise — Local 1245 members at Paradise Irrigation District work to repair a torched system
For more than a century, the Paradise Irrigation District has been providing water and related servi…→
PG&E Lines Up $5.5 Billion to Fund 2-Year Bankruptcy Process (via Bloomberg News)
PG&E Corp. expects its looming bankruptcy to take about two years to resolve and has arranged $5…→
On the Go in the Snow: IBEW 1245 gas workers at NV Energy get the job done, no matter the weather
At the intersection of La Rue and South Virginia on the south side of Reno’s midtown district, NV…→
Support IBEW 1245 Member Whose Son Was Recently Diagnosed with a Brain Tumor
IBEW 1245 member Bud Lair and his family are going through an extremely challenging time, as Lair…→
Dalzell: The Legislature must make hard choices to avert PG&E bankruptcy — via CalMatters
“For the good of our state, we must focus on how we can safely adapt our systems to what Jerry…→
PG&E bankruptcy darkens outlook for renewable energy investment (via Financial Times)
The plan for Pacific Gas and Electric, the California utility, to enter bankruptcy to manage its $30…→
PG&E Meltdown Could Cost CAISO Members, Generators (via RTO Insider)
CAISO market participants and companies that do business with Pacific Gas and Electric could end up…→
Peer-to-Peer Safety Committee Report: January, 2019
All three of IBEW 1245’s Peer-to-Peer safety groups traveled to IBEW Local 77 in Seattle to a…→