In a rural, mountainous area known as Topaz Ranch Estates in Wellington, NV, a line crew from NV Ene…→
Archives for November 2017
Senator Monning and Assemblymember Cunningham Respond to Proposed Decision on Diablo Canyon
no excerpt
Members Approve One-Year Agreement at USBR
The IBEW Local 1245 members employed at the United States Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) Mid Pacific R…→
Landmark Agreement to Decommission Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant Endangered by Proposed Ruling
Shutting down a nuclear power plant is not an easy thing to do. Safely de-operationalizing a plant i…→
Letter Agreement 17-36: Extended commitment period for System Operators under retention
no excerpt
Lompoc Unit Supports Local 1245 Member with Premature Baby in NICU
When IBEW 1245 member Gustavo “Goose” Lopez’s baby was born six weeks premature, w…→
December 10: Bowl-a-Thon to Benefit IBEW Families Affected By The North Bay Fires
UGLY SWEATER BOWL-A-THON! ~Benefitting IBEW Families Affected By The North Bay Fires~ Have fun bo…→
SB 100: A Zero-Carbon Future Demands More
IBEW Local 1245 has been actively involved in California’s energy and environmental policies for m…→
New Location for Modesto Unit Meeting
Unit #2515, Modesto, has changed its unit meeting location to Round Table Pizza, 2441 Claribel Rd,…→
Administrative Law Judge Issues Proposed Decision on DCPP Joint Proposal
This morning (Nov. 8, 2017) Administrative Law Judge Peter V. Allen issued his proposed decision on…→