A team of IBEW 1245 Organizing Stewards in Sacramento hosted an informational rally at PG&E’s 2740 Contact Center to help our fellow union members learn about the threat of so-called “Right to Work” legislation and a pending Supreme Court case, Janus v. AFSCME, which aims to weaken unions and undercut our rights at work.
The rally was a great success! We were able to educate our members at PG&E on the truth behind Right to Work and energize them for action. Many of our brothers and sisters knew little about Right to Work, and were unaware of the upcoming court case and the effects it could have on unions nationwide. I told them, “Now that you know, you have an obligation to share the information with others and to take action to keep our union strong!”
At the rally, members played “The Union Difference – Wheel of Life” where they had to imagine life at work without our union. They also participated in multiple raffles throughout the day for new union shirts. Members headed back to their desks informed and armed with posters and information on Right to Work, as well as a lanyard to wear as an everyday reminder of the union difference.
The turnout was great, with 50 people signing in, 36 completing commitment cards, and two signing up to learn more about our Organizing Steward program. Thanks to everyone who participated, whether in word, deed, or spirit. We are planning to host more rallies in Sacramento in the coming weeks.
–Charlotte Stevens, IBEW 1245 Lead Organizing Steward
Photos by Steven Marcotte
charlotte and matthew clayton