For the IBEW Local 1245 members who work at the Greater Vallejo Recreation District (GVRD), Measure K was a make-or-break ballot initiative.
Measure K sought to extend a modest parcel tax in order to keep Vallejo’s parks up and running — and keep the Local 1245 members at GVRD working. If the measure were to fail, GVRD would be facing major cuts to its parks, programs and personnel.
The measure required a two-thirds majority vote to pass, which is no easy feat. The vote was predicted to be very close, so Local 1245 went to bat. The union ran a full-page newspaper ad on behalf of its members, and also demonstrated support for the Yes on Measure K campaign on the IBEW 1245 website and social media pages.
That added support gave the campaign the extra push that it needed to meet the two-thirds threshold. Measure K needed 66.6%, and it received 67.9%. With this vote, the parcel tax will be extended for 15 years, starting in 2018.
“The GVRD members would like to extend their appreciation to all of the Local 1245 members who live and vote in Vallejo for helping to pass Measure K,” said IBEW 1245 Business Rep JV Macor. “The measure will continue to fund programs and activities that the GVRD provides, not just to the residents of Vallejo, but to all who come to Vallejo to enjoy their beautiful parks and facilities, which are proudly maintained by Local 1245 members.”