Control the Pressure
This group has completed the 35 GSR safety kickoffs across PG&E territory with good results, and have gained six new stewards from their efforts. The committee will be taking on process improvements and safety issues that are being created by management’s lack of field experience and understanding of the issues being created by Company policy.
Keep the Clearance
KTC was honored by PG&E at a contractor meeting for their “significant contributions to worker safety” for the efforts to heighten the safety awareness among the tree companies. KTC will be attending the SMUD/ Mowbray’s training day on July 20th to bring the safety message to about 75 workers. Utility Tree has reached out to the group to do presentations for their workers, which will mark the second go-round for this group.
KTC is working with the management at PG&E and the tree companies to develop an apprentice program for tree trimmers. We have reached out to Locals 77 and 17 for info from their programs to help develop one within 1245’s jurisdiction. Our Local has has six tree fatalities in the last 12 years, whereas the locals that have apprentice programs have had only 1 in the last 30 years.
Hold the Pull
This group has been out to visit the City of Redding and WAPA to do presentations with good results. We have set up a presentation for PSREC for October, which will mark our first visit with this group. We are working on setting up presentations for MID, MRID, Fallon NVE, City of Fallon and GC North Valley for PG&E. HTP has also been invited to do a presentation for the Shop/Safety Steward Conference at Local 1547 in Anchorage, AK in October.