The members of Turlock Irrigation District recently ratified a new five-year agreement, effective Jan 1, 2017-December 31, 2021. The agreement provides for a 3% wage increase each year of the agreement, and also includes improvement in CTO, meal allowance and education assistance. Members will also receive a reimbursement for work boots. During the term of the agreement the members will maintain a 85%-15% medical premium split with the District. Members agreed to some changes in the medical plan design occurring over the term of the agreement.
The bargaining committee was comprised of members Cody Sanders, Steve Johnson, Mike (Pat) Patterson, Jordon Lellhame and Local 1245 Business Rep Sheila Lawton.

TID bargaining committee member, from left: Steve Johnson, Mike (Pat) Patterson, Business Rep Sheila Lawton and Jordon Lellhame. Not pictured- Cody Sanders.
–Sheila Lawton, IBEW 1245 Business Rep