National Safety Council Presentation: “Union-Based Peer-to-Peer Initiatives” was the title of the program that was presented by Local 1245 peer members on April 12 at the NSC conference in Columbus, Ohio. Carlos Rodrigues, Fred Aboud, Steve Lange and Rich Lane conducted two programs featuring the Local 1245 peer program to approximately 50 labor division members who found the program unique. Members of other IBEW locals expressed interest in starting up programs nationally and handouts with details on the programs organization and operation were available.
Keep the Clearance Summit: On April 14 the KTC committee conducted their annual safety summit with featured speaker and tree safety expert Dr. John Ball. Dr. Ball also participated in the various activities such as group safety break-outs and safety Q and A session from the safety steward group. The meeting was well-attended, with 80% of the stewards attending.
Control the Pressure Summit: On March 23, the CTP committee held their 4th annual safety stewards summit. The guest speaker was PG&E Gas Operations Vice President John Higgins who spoke to the group about PG&E’s need to expand their safety focus and develop a greater communication using CTP as a resource. Several issues came forward from the safety stewards that Mr. Higgins took on, including reducing redundancy in paperwork that takes away from field safety efforts, and communication issues for employees who work alone in remote areas. Safety Steward Corey Higgins (no relation to John Higgins) also shared a success story getting clotting agent Quick Clot issued to crews and efforts to get AEDs issued to crews working in remote areas.
Hold the Pull Summit: Hold the Pull is preparing for their annual safety stewards summit on May 26th. The HTP committee will conduct the peer summit that will feature as guest speaker Tracy Moore, founder of the Highline Hero Foundation. Tracy’s husband Marc was killed by a high voltage contact in August 2015. Since Marc’s death, Tracy has traveled the country sharing her message on the impact of her husband’s fatality on her and her family.