Presentations to Double in 2015: The Hold the Pull (HTP) committee met on November 18 to plan the 2015 meeting and presentation schedule. PG&E is increasing their requests for HTP to visit safety kick-offs. Peer consultant John Kent has contacted PG&E Northern Region Director Tony Mar and has been given access to six safety kick-offs in the Northern Region. There are plans in the making to visit non-PG&E yards that have requested visits by Hold the Pull.
HTP Safety Stewards Communication Training: In October, a communications class was conducted with 16 attendees to prepare committee members and safety stewards to lead and participate in these peer presentations. A second class is now ready but a date has not been selected. At the completion of the class, 32 peer members will be available for peer presentations. The anticipated workload of peer presentations is expected to double in 2015.
HTP Appoints New Committee Chair: The Hold the Pull committee appointed Liberty Utilities crew foreman Casey Kelley as chairman for the year 2015. Casey has been with the HTP initiative for two years and has performed other duties such as director of the 2015 safety stewards conference and leader of many peer presentations. PG&E troubleman Dan Mayo is the acting recorder and has been in his position for over 2 years.
Seeking New Committee Member: The Hold the Pull committee is seeking to replace outgoing member Bob Springer. Springer, an original founding member of the initiative, works for Truckee-Donner PUD. His leadership and determination helped Hold the Pull move from a fledgling effort to one with direction and purpose. The committee will send out a communication to all safety stewards asking for a volunteer to fill the vacant position.
Tools for Suriname: Hold the Pull will have their peer steward safety summit on April 1, 2015 at the Local 1245 Hall. Brady Hansen, lineman at IBEW Local 77, who gave an impassioned presentation at the October Advisory Council meeting, is invited to repeat his story to the safety stewards and appeal for help to supply the Surinamese brothers with tools and safety devices that are no longer in use here. More will be announced in the future and everyone is invited to support this worthy cause.
–Rich Lane, IBEW 1245 Safety Rep