Members of the AC Transit negotiating committee (left to right) John Seeto, Kevin Auer and Dale Brewer as they reviewed proposals and prepared for bargaining.
On June 12, IBEW 1245 members at AC Transit ratified a Tentative Agreement for a new CBA by a vote of 19-1, which was later unanimously approved by the AC Transit District Board of Directors at its June 25 board meeting.
The newly approved Collective Bargaining Agreement provides for a three year term with a wage increase of 3.5% retroactive to March 2, 2014, and additional wage increases of 3% effective January 4, 2015 and January 3, 2016. In addition to the wage increase, members will receive a signing bonus of $750 and annual attendance bonuses of $750 if they have twelve (12) or fewer absences in each subsequent fiscal year.
Additionally, the IBEW 1245 bargaining committee succeeded in negotiating
- improved language for the 5% and 10% mid-shift and late-shift differentials
- improved vacation language guaranteeing a minimum number of vacation slots
- improved layoff and call-back language
- improved transparency in the bidding process
- a $400 annual clothing voucher, and
- transition language from the Service Worker position to the Senior Electronic Technician Apprenticeship program.
IBEW and the District also agreed to a 2nd Tier Pension plan equivalent to PEPRA, with a “me too” clause for more favorable terms, should AC Transit agree to anything more favorable with any other employee group.
The District and IBEW 1245, with the assistance of State Mediation, reached the Tentative Agreement on June 4 during the third mediated bargaining session. The IBEW negotiating committee consisted of Shop Stewards Dale Brewer, Kevin Auer and John Seeto, along with Business Representative Al Fortier.