Everyone knows that working with electricity can be hard work–dangerous and even deadly if any of the electrical safety rules are not followed properly.
Besides the intrinsic hazards of the trade, there is also the danger that workers can become distracted. With employers always watching their budgets, sometimes they put more pressure and responsibility on their employees. Workers may get bounced from this job to that job, especially as emergencies come up. Some jobs get completed and other jobs may have to wait.
The main thing for IBEW workers to keep in mind is: stay focused on the task you are doing at the moment. Do not skip any safety procedures. If assigned to a different task or job during the workday, do not for a second lose your focus on the job you are doing presently. Do not daydream, or think about hurrying to get to another job or a different assignment.
We all have many different things to do each day, different steps to take, different ideas about how to complete the task at hand. But in this fast-paced world, do not lose your focus on what you are doing. Our safety and the safety of others is the most important element in each task you do. No matter how many times a day your tasks change, never lose your focus on how to work safely in the present moment.
Stoney Burk