Con la ratification del Acuerdo Maestro, Davey Tree Surgery se ha convertido al plan de beneficios d…→
Archives for February 2013
Robert Reich: in Santa Rosa Feb. 25
Proposals exchanged with South San Joaquin ID
Opening proposals for contract negotiations with South San Joaquin Irrigation District are now avail…→
Minority Caucus Focuses on Service
Minority Caucus focuses on service Several Local 1245 members donated their time and talent to a co…→
Unit 3511, Auburn Meeting Location
Unit 3511, Auburn will meet in new location Unit 3511, Auburn, has a new location. Effective immedia…→
New Poll: Preserve Social Security
Americans support Social Security and are willing to pay more to preserve and even improve benefits,…→
Sacramento Clerical meeting change
Sacramento Clerical unit meeting has new location Unit 3801, Sacramento Clerical, has a new meetin…→
Abel Sanchez Hired as Business Rep – en Español
IBEW 1245 ha contratado a Abel Sanchez como Business Representative de la union. La primera asignaci…→
Abel Sanchez Hired as Business Rep
Brother Sanchez’s initial assignment will be to represent IBEW Line Clearance Tree Trimmers in the…→
Driver Rams PG&E lineman
Rayshawn Neely, a PG&E lineman and 3-year member of IBEW Local 1245, was injured on Feb. 1 in a…→