Bargaining resumes at City of Roseville
Members reject tentative agreement
IBEW Local 1245 has resumed negotiations with the City of Roseville after members on Feb. 16 rejected a previously-negotiated tentative agreement.

Members of the IBEW bargaining committee at the City of Roseville met Feb. 27 at Weakley Hall in Vacaville. From left: Mitch Prather, Brian Boyd, Jeff Beaubier, Assistant Business Manager Ray Thomas, Rick Thompson, and Business Representative Charley Souders. Not Pictured: Jeff Holt and Business Representative Pat Waite.
The tentative agreement, reached with the City on Feb. 1, included a one-year term with a front loaded 80 hours of personal leave time, with the ability to cash it out two times a year. After the first year the 80 hours of personal leave time would continue to be accrued on an annual basis.
Under the terms of the tentative agreement, employees would have received an increased City contribution towards retiree medical premiums totaling $1200 a month, with a 2% annual escalator.
Future employees would receive $720 a month plus a 2% annual escalator towards City-paid retiree medical contributions upon retirement. New hires would also be required to contribute 1% of their base salary per year for five years towards a retiree medical fund.
Following the members’ “no” vote, the bargaining committee met on Feb. 27 and then met with City negotiators on March 5. At that meeting the union committee explained in detail the many reasons that IBEW 1245 members rejected the previous offer.
After listening to the union’s feedback, the City’s lead negotiator said that the City would do its best to address as many of the union members’ concerns as possible.
The next session is scheduled for March 8, when both parties have committed to work out specific language for revising the table agreement in an attempt to achieve a package that would be acceptable both to IBEW members and to the City.