What’s next in PG&E negotiations?
A message from Business Manager Tom Dalzell
From my conversations with hundreds of our members at PG&E over the last two months, I have heard one theme repeated over and over – given all that our members have done for this company during bankruptcy, during the Accenture Business Transformation, during the accelerated leak survey, during Proposition 16, and during the San Bruno tragedy, how could management try to extract reductions in the pension and in working conditions?
We understand this sense of betrayal. The first step that the negotiating committee will take will be to poll our membership at PG&E to rank the issues that led to this strong no vote. With this information we will return to the table and attempt to negotiate changes in the packages that respond to what we learn in the polling.
I am extremely encouraged by the large turnout in this vote. In our union, it is the members who have the final say. This vote is a strong statement, and an important contribution to the negotiations.
Tom Dalzell, Business Manager