Standing tall for members’ rights: transit stewards from AC Transit and Sacramento RT, meeting at Weakley Hall on March 30.
Local 1245 members at Sacramento Regional Transit and Alameda-Contra Costa Transit are bracing themselves for some nasty aftershocks following the economic earthquake that rocked local governments during the current recession.
Transit stewards from the two districts came together on March 30 at Weakley Hall to assess the damage and share information. Business Rep. Sheila Lawton gave an update on bargaining at Sacramento RT, and also looked ahead to upcoming bargaining with AC Transit.
“It was useful for the AC Transit stewards to hear about the RT situation because their employer is in the same budgetary situation that RT is,” Lawton said.
Lawton reported on recent RT Board meetings she had attended where service cuts were approved, and the prospect for layoffs in the wake of service cuts.
Local 1245 staff attorney Jenny Marston spoke about the steward’s role in preparing for arbitrations. Information gathered by the steward at the time of the grievance is a key element in determining whether an arbitration will be successful, she said.
Assistant Business Manager Ron Cochran offered an overview of current union affairs, including the on-going battle for a contract at NV Energy in Nevada. Business Rep. Ralph Armstrong discussed current safety issues and Communications Director Eric Wolfe spoke about the new website and what it offers to public sector members. Lawton reviewed the provisions of the Family and Medical Leave Act.
“The stewards said they found it really useful to meet with stewards from other entities that have the same interests they do,” said Local 1245 Business Rep. Sheila Lawton. “It gave them an opportunity to share their experiences and understand what each other is going through.”
Attending from AC Transit were Gail Brewer, Guy Greenwood, and Gary Vigil. Attending from Sacramento RT were Loren Bartlett, Connie Bibbs, Rod Beverly, Ray Adams, Jeff James, Steve Hutching, and Paul Williams.