Local 1245 Safety Committee
The Local 1245 Safety and Health Committee met on August 28, 2008 in Vacaville at the union hall. 1245 Safety Committee members in attendance were Michael Gomes, Robert Burkle, Art Torres, Sergio Munoz, and Daryl Rice.
First order of business was to review the minutes from our last meeting. No changes were noted or corrected.
Topics discussed and action items assigned:
Old Items
A) Confined space rescue
B) Backhoe buckets used for lifting
C) Resource Coordinator safety concerns
D) Unqualified workers assigned to do electrical work
The committee reviewed the PG & E policy for painting crews, which clearly states that only qualified electrical workers will perform the clearing and grounding of electrical equipment in the vicinity of paint operations. This rule must be adhered to.
Accident Reports
At SMUD, a pre apprentice was injured.
The crew was working on a car pole, where the pole was broken above ground, and was being held up by the conductors. The crew grabbed the old pole with the grabbers, but did not attach the winch line to the pole.
When the equipment on the old pole was removed, the old pole slid through the grabbers and landed on the shoulder of the pre apprentice. The pre apprentice sustained injury to his shoulder, arm, hip, and opposing shoulder. The pre apprentice also suffered a concussion, as the blow caused his head to slam into the pole.
The pre apprentice lost consciousness, but awoke later and did not remember anything, except coming to work. The reported prognosis is for full recovery.
At SMUD, an apprentice received flash burns on his arm.
The cable splicing crew had just cleared a cubicle switch compartment, utilizing a load break tool and the disconnect switches in the compartment. Reportedly, the switching was completed, and there was no load on the conductors to be worked upon. Somehow, the apprentice received a flash burn on his arm from the cabinet. The extent of his injury is not known, but is believed to be first or second degree. This incident is under investigation.
Round Table Topics:
There was some discussion of FR clothing.
It seems that PG & E gas crews are assigned to work with electric crews on the repair of underground cables and/or boxes. They are issued FR rated coveralls for that purpose. There was discussion as to whether they should receive an allowance to purchase further protection when they are exposed to a level where they feel they may need protection of a greater level or alternate type.
There was discussion as to the policies of SMUD and PG & E as to their FR clothing usage. PG & E has adopted the SMUD method, by giving employees an allowance to purchase FR clothing.
There was discussion about what the basis for choosing whatever type of clothing an employee decides to buy. The mandate from the OSHA is understood to be “that which will not cause further damage, in the event of an arc”.
Next meeting with be on September 25 in Vacaville.
1245 Safety and Health Committee
Local 1245 Safety Committee
Ralph Armstrong, Chair
Posted: September 26, 2008