“Wrestling is the vessel I use to teach kids about life.”
Santa Cruz, CA – When Vegetation Management Inspector Edgar Moreno asked his IBEW 1245 Unit to support the Live Oak Wrestling Club in Santa Cruz, his fellow members were pleased to oblige.
The Unit submitted a motion to the IBEW 1245 Executive Board, and the Board approved a $500 donation to the club.

IBEW 1245 Business Representative Casey Barker Presenting Community Funds Check to VMI Edgar Moreno for the Santa Cruz Live Oak Wrestling Club
The Live Oak Wrestling Club provides year-round opportunities for elementary and middle school-aged kids and teenagers to hone their wrestling skills. Sports in general and wrestling in particular build strength and endurance. Wrestling requires tremendous discipline and courage. Equally important, it cultivates life skills, including a strong work ethic, confidence, and resilience.
Moreno first learned about the group in 2023 after his 7th grade son, Mateo, met Coach Jay Reyes at a wrestling tournament. Coach Reyes was impressed and offered to help Mateo improve his wrestling skills and conditioning for his 8th grade season. Mateo was fully committed and went on to be undefeated. As a Freshman, he continues competing on the Varsity team at his high school and continues working with Coach Reyes.
“Wrestling is the vessel I use to teach kids about life! Waking up every day and trying to be a little bit better than they were the day before, in every aspect of their lives,” says Reyes. He adds, “It’s not about wanting life to be easy, but loving the process of getting good at what’s hard. Being the best they can be both on and off the mat.”
With over 100 IBEW 1245 Units that meet regularly in locations across California and Nevada, dozens of Units have supported community service projects since the program began in 2013. Groups are nominated by a majority vote at local Unit meetings. They receive funds once the requests are reviewed and approved by the IBEW 1245 Executive Board.
Congratulations to Brother Moreno, the IBEW 1245 Santa Cruz Unit, the IBEW 1245 Executive Board, and the Live Oak Wrestling Club for supporting the Santa Cruz community.
– Casey Barker, IBEW 1245 Business Representative