The 2025 1st Quarter IBEW 1245 Advisory Council Meeting was held on Saturday, January 25, 2025 at the Sunrise Center in Vacaville.
IBEW 1245 President Cecelia de la Torre kicked off the meeting by swearing in the newest Advisory Council Members and honoring photo contest winner, Carlos Vasques.
Business Manager Bob Dean led the meeting with the Business Manager’s Report
LA Fires
The catastrophic fires in Los Angeles have brought new attention to what’s at stake, not just for Investor Owned Utilities (IOUs), but all entities that provide power and water in CA. The devastation wrought by the fires has changed the conversation in the State Legislature and the CA Public Utilities Commission (CPUC), shifting from a narrow focus on affordability to the urgency of making our power systems better. “We are going to see a new emphasis on undergrounding, tree trimming and hardening of the grid, all of which was in retreat because people were up in arms about bills….Now the conversation is not how to make it cheaper, but how to make it better, how do we stop this,” said Business Manager Bob Dean. The ramifications are significant for upcoming negotiations.

IBEW 1245 Business Manager Bob Dean delivers Business Manager Report
2025 Negotiations
IBEW 1245 is slated to conduct contract negotiations at twenty properties, including at our two largest properties, PG&E and SMUD. Dean emphasized, “While the challenges are great, we are prepared.” For PG&E negotiations a strong committee has been formed, and a dedicated site on the 1245 website has been established for regular updates, information on how to submit proposals electronically, and how to get questions answered. Dean stressed, “For all 20 of these negotiations, if we get to a Table Agreement and get to a Vote…everyone must vote. If you love it, vote. If you hate it, vote. Vote and exercise your right. We have to participate to show our power. It’s vital.”
Union Elections
Maximizing member engagement and participation is also critical as we prepare for Union-wide elections for officers, the Advisory Council and delegates to the International Convention in 2026.
Senior Assistant Business Manager Anthony Brown reported, “Nominations will take place between March 1 and March 31, 2025. Ballots will be sent out May 19th and counted June 25th at the Hall. Informational Flyers were dropped in the post office yesterday.” He added, “If you don’t get it in the next week, reach out to the Hall to make sure your mailing address is correct.”
Brown also encouraged members to direct any and all questions about union elections to the Election Judge Phil Whilton at
Organizing Stewards Inducted

IBEW 1245 2025 Class of Organizing Stewards with Business Manager Bob Dean and the Organizing Staff
One of the highlights of the meeting was the induction of this year’s class of one hundred twenty three Organizing Stewards. Stewards hail from across IBEW 1245 including PG&E, the public and private sector, and manufacturing properties.
Formalized in 2014, the Organizing Steward program is an intergenerational, hands-on leadership development program that recruits, trains and dispatches stewards to participate in real fights. Stewards are instrumental in defending IBEW 1245’s interests in state legislatures and before the CA Public Utilities Commission (PUC). They volunteer their time to support contract fights, most recently at the City of Vallejo and Sacramento Regional Transit. They volunteer for new organizing drives such as the current campaign at Siemen’s in Sacramento where 1,600 workers are attempting to form their union. They make welcome calls to new members. They represent IBEW 1245 at Central Labor Councils. But most importantly, they show up at work and build union pride, engaging their co-workers and inviting them to get involved. “Our Organizing Stewards are the pride of 1245 and the pride of the labor movement,” said IBEW 1245 President Cecelia de la Torre.

Assistant Business Manager Rene Cruz Martienz passing the mic to Organizing Steward Kayela Jones
Kayela Jones, a Customer Service Representative (CSR) out of PG&E Sacramento and Lead Organizing Steward was this year’s spokesperson for the 2025 Class. Jones, who survived a traumatic childhood thanks to the intervention of her grandmother, described the power of the Union to change lives.
“I have seen first-hand how our union positively impacts lives in so many ways….Our union has given me strength I didn’t know I had, has made me feel worthy and has given me a purpose in life,” she said.
Jones emphasized, “When I put this [organizing steward] jacket on, I feel like I can do so many great things, not only for myself but for others as well.” She added, “I can proudly say that my children will never have to experience any of the things I had to go through. Because of our union I have great wages, healthcare, job security, stability and, best of all, I have so many people I can count on, which is something I have never really had before. I only hope that one day my children may follow in my footsteps and become a part of this amazing brother and sisterhood.”
Assistant Business Manager and Organizing Director Rene Cruz Martinez Today summed up the moment saying, “Today was inspirational. The love and dedication that our organizing stewards have for our union is beyond measure. It is days like these that give us the boost of energy to keep going and keep fighting the good fights to preserve and improve our collective bargaining agreements. We are a family and have each other’s backs.”
Stewards proudly raised their right hand and took the Organizing Steward oath, promising to promote “the cause of human justice, human rights, and human security.”
Advisory Council Members provided reports from the field followed by opportunities to volunteer in communities at women’s shelters in Fresno and Sacramento and food kitchens under “Good of the Union.”
The next Advisory Council Meeting will take place on April 26, 2025 at the Union Hall.
– Eileen Purcell, Sr. Advisor
Hovik Beduryan is a PG&E CIP Inspector who provides support to low-income households, exploring innovative ways to save energy and reduce energy bills. This is his first year as an Organizing Steward
“Why become an Organizing Steward? I wanted to be part of a movement and be part of the brotherhood/sisterhood and the family at 1245. I was nonunion for 5 years. I jumped around. I was looking for respect. I did some research and sought a union job. Growing up I was told I would not make it very far. That I wasn’t anyone. I want help other kids who feel they may not be going anywhere. Today’s induction was moving. It brought tears to my eyes.”
Kimberley Kendrick is a PG&E Customer Service Representative (CSR) at PGE in Fresno. This is her second year as an Organizing Steward.
“My grandfather was part of the union at the Fresno Area Express (the buses) and became the first African American Supervisor because of the Union. My father was a member of the union at the Fresno County Sheriff’s Department. I was in retail for 25 years – nonunion. When Q Thompson reached out to me she said, “Let’s do this, it’s not for the weak! You have to be dedicated.” A week later I was helping out on an organizing campaign at Westinghouse where I witnessed the abysmal salaries and work schedules of nonunion workers. After that, I said, ‘I’m down! Call me. I’ll do whatever you [the union] needs.’” Kendrik’s first assignment was doing Get Out the Vote (GOTV) in Reno.
Luis Vega, is a PG&E GSR out of Richmond and a Lead Organizing Steward. This is his third year in the Organizing Steward Program.
“I was always interested in Unions. I grew up in a Union household. My dad is with the Carpenter’s Union. When I began working at PG&E, the late Al Estes, a fellow GSR and Shop Steward out of Richmond, put me on the right path. He told me, ‘The way you repay me, is doing it for someone else, helping others.’” He also encouraged me to check out organizing. Everything I like about my job was fought for by the Union: our wages, time off, the 40-hour work week, our meals and our right to safety. Today, this recognition from our union is so appreciated. We earned it.”
Veronica Rivera Aviles is a Sr. Credit & Collections & Identity Theft Investigator at NV Energy and a 22 year member of IBEW 1245. She was part of the 2014 Class of Organizing Stewards.
“I was part of the first Organizing Steward Class. I got involved because of my admiration for Fred Ross. I stay involved because I’m raising my family. I’m paving the path for the younger generation. Today’s induction gives me hope, makes me stronger and want to fight harder.”