Hamilton, Marysville – Dean Faller, a Foreman III for Western Area Power Administration (WAPA) and his crew delved into the work of providing power to Beale Air force Base.
Dean Faller, Foreman 3 Lineman for WAPA, Sierra Nevada Division.
“We are building a new double circuit 230 KV line to a new WAPA substation that is located on base. There it will connect to Beale’s 60kv system. The new line taps off our Cottonwood-Roseville line which runs along the west side of the base,” declared Faller, a 30+ year IBEW 1245 member.
“They came to us years back and needed more electricity to power the base,” he said.
Started nearly five years ago, the multi-year project has required organizational dexterity. Over that time, the workers have faced and overcome significant challenges. From supply chain issues due to COVID, long lead times for materials, to height restrictions, environmental protections, and wetlands, they’ve pressed forward.
The toughest challenge? “Coordination,” said Faller, “Coordination with the various stakeholders, which include the Base, contractors, venders, farmers, and environmental groups.”
The line runs along rice fields and zigzags around wetlands, in part to comply with environmental regulations and the preservation of habitat, including vernal ponds where Ferry shrimp thrive. During construction in rice fields, temporary berms were installed around foundation sites to keep them from flooding in order to keep them dry for placement of concrete, tower erection, and wire stringing.
Due to proximity to the Base’s runway, towers could not exceed 85 feet. A new tower design was needed to go under some existing line crossings and not exceed the height restrictions, while maintaining minimum ground clearance.
Journeyman Linemen Joel Carillo and Dave Horton from WAPA sag fiber on a new transmission line to Beale Air Force Base in Marysville, Calif. on November 12, 2024.
“Normally, double circuit towers have three equally spaced conductor arms,” said Faller. “But the work has progressed steadily and is completed for now,” he said, adding “Commissioning and cutover are scheduled for spring 2025.”
When asked, “What’s good about being part of a union?” Faller answered, “Having a culture where it is safety first, always looking out for one another.”
IBEW 1245 Members Working on the Beal Air Force Base included:
Dean Faller, FIII
Ryan Yeager FII
James Hill FII
Joel Carillo JL
Dana Trimble JL
Ryan Mumma JL
Nick Linna JL,
Adrian Dragos, 7′h Step
AL Gabe Huston JL
Aaron Mclntryre JL
Steve Webb JL
Daren New JL
Josh White JL
Dave Horton JL