A tree trimming crew’s job of clearing trees from power lines is crucial for preventing potential outages, fires, and more.

IBEW Local 1245 crews from Asplundh Tree Company fall trees near a NV Energy transmission line in Kingsbury, Nevada on August 13, 2024.
In northern Nevada, IBEW 1245 line clearance tree trimmers at Aspen Tree Care Experts ensure power lines are left unobstructed by trees.

IBEW Local 1245 crews from Asplundh Tree Company fall trees near a NV Energy transmission line in Kingsbury, Nevada on August 13, 2024.
William Tripp, a Foremen at Aspen Tree Care Experts points to the uniqueness of his crew’s tree trimming operations. Rather than using a bucket truck, his crew employs a manual method that uses ropes and gaffs to scale trees.
“We do most of the tree climbs, most of the gnarly hazard trees. If it’s a dead tree like right here, no buckets can get up to the lines.” he stated. “Every day we go places where no other human has ever been before. When we climb, we’re the first ones that have ever been there.”
For IBEW 1245 members, safety is non-negotiable, especially for crews using manual methods. “Making sure you’re all on the same page and communicating, and…making sure that no one’s in the danger zone or the drop zones while the trees are coming down is extremely important,” stressed Tripp.

IBEW Local 1245 crews from Asplundh Tree Company fall trees near a NV Energy transmission line in Kingsbury, Nevada on August 13, 2024.
Safety is a central part of IBEW 1245’s core mission.
IBEW 1245 Business Manager Bob Dean has stressed that, “In our line of work, we have a code. We are brothers and sisters. We have each other’s backs. … More than 100 years ago, IBEW 1245 was founded on the idea of safety … it’s up to us to safeguard our lives. … Every 1245 member must be an advocate for safety.”
The union has pioneered creative ways to build a safety culture through peer-to-peer safety programs, grass roots outreach, and other initiatives – all aimed at getting each other home at the end of the day.
As an IBEW 1245 member himself, Foreman Tripp recognizes these efforts, stating the union “…always stand behind their guys”.