Brother Winn and Brother Jimenez represented IBEW 1245 at the Utility Conference held in New Orleans on May 13, 2024. Here are their report backs from the event:
This last month I was given the opportunity to represent IBEW 1245 at the Utility Conference held in New Orleans. This was a great conference where we were able to here from many of our IBEW Leaders as well as other Locals to gauge where the industry is going and what issues are in front of them.
The largest topic discussed was the looming Presidential election. The impact that the National Labor Relation Board (NLRB) has on the working class could not be understated, and the impact that the sitting President has on this board is just as important. Future decisions that impact our Brothers and Sisters are solidified by this board and our vote matters as to what the future makeup of the NLRB looks like.
It was also refreshing to hear about how the future of our electrical grid is not only recognizing the importance of Nuclear Power, but is now actually taking action to make this a reality. Between the two new Nuclear units at the Vogtle Power Plant that are now on-line, to the recently shutdown and slated for decommissioning plant (Palisades) that has now taken a 180 turn and is now working towards coming back on-line, our industry is moving in a direction that will allow for growth within IBEW and provide a necessary and reliable electrical grid for the future!
I was proud to represent IBEW 1245 at the Utility Conference and look forward to sharing the message of what was discussed within that conference with my fellow Brothers and Sisters!
– Jeremy Winn, IBEW 1245 Executive Board Southern Area Rep
New Orleans—or as I was corrected the minute I stepped off the plane—it’s N’awlins. What an honor it was to be a delegate to this Utility Conference representing IBEW Local 1245. Two days of guest speakers with a ton to cover in such a short time frame. New technology was discussed such as offshore wind, AI, drones, solar, hydrogen, EV—how it will impact what we already do in the present and future. We talked about the need for 100,000+ miles of transmission lines to be replaced, and legislation in the works to help streamline the process.
Although there were many locals mentioned that are already involved in what’s coming and
making sure that work stays OUR work as a whole, there was no Local mentioned more than 1245. There was a particular statement made that stuck out the most in regard to new technology: “if they’re moving dirt, it’s too late.” We have to continue making sure IBEW folks are doing that work and being proactive in getting involved early on in the process.
It’s a great time to be in this industry and certainly part of IBEW 1245 under great leadership with a forward-thinking mentality that will keep our members working now and for generations to come.
Very appreciative of the opportunity to represent this local and I thank Bob Dean & all of 1245. Looking forward to future opportunities.
– Albert A. Jimenez Sr