1245 collected tools, PPE and more for electrical workers in Ukraine.

IBEW 1245 Business Manager Bob Dean with Ukraine Consul Oleksii Khorosh, IBEW 9th District Vice President Dave Reaves, and Ukraine Consul Dymtro Kushneruk at the LAMPAC meeting this spring
At the March LAMPAC (Labor and Management Public Affairs) meeting, IBEW 1245 Business Manager Bob Dean, who is a member of the LAMPAC steering committee, arranged to have representative from the Ukraine Consul speak on the needs of their electrical grid following a series of Russian missile and drone attacks that directly targeted their utility infrastructure.
The presentation moved many in the audience, and the 1245 staff members that were in attendance decided to mobilize resources and take action to help our Ukrainian siblings.
We began by going through our three storage units in Vacaville, which are full of tools and materials that had been collected during previous Linemen Without Borders efforts, to see what we could donate to Ukraine.

Just some of the equipment collected for Ukraine
Former 1245 Business Rep Chris Miles was able to secure a large flat bed trailer, and the team of 1245 staff spent a couple of days both organizing and transporting the donation to the Woodland JATC facility. Milwaukee Tools, who also heard the presentation at LAMPAC, graciously donated a pallet of brand new tools that will soon be in the hands of our brother and sister electrical workers in Ukraine.
–Bob Gerstle, IBEW 1245 Senior Assistant Business Manager