On May 20, 2023, IBEW 1245 joined NV Energy’s First Gas and Lineman Rodeo in Reno, NV. The event, modeled after the popular rodeos at PG&E and other utilities, offered electric and gas workers at NV Energy the opportunity to compete in a series of challenges designed to showcase the unique skills they use at work every day.
“The brotherhood of 1245 was in full action during all events, from teamwork to cheering each other on,” said Brittney Morris, an IBEW 1245 organizing steward from NV Energy. “It was wonderful seeing everyone out having a good time.”
Two IBEW 1245 organizing stewards — Ramona Garcia from Sacramento and Juan Montoya from Fresno — traveled from California as volunteers to help Morris and her fellow Nevada organizing steward Veronica Rivera-Aviles at the event. 1245 Safety committee member Pete Sandoval and staffers Fred Aboud and Dylan Gottfried also represented the union at the fun-filled event.
“I want to thank everyone who was able to attend and bring their families to this first annual event,” said IBEW 1245 Business Rep Adam Weber, who spent his birthday at the Rodeo. “It was great to see kids taking bucket rides, and loved ones enjoying and watching what our members do daily to ensure that everyone in northern Nevada has electricity and natural gas. Also, I would like to give a special thanks to the volunteers that came out and helped run the IBEW 1245 booth.”
“I couldn’t imagine a much better time surrounded by my brothers and sisters and their families,” said 1245 Organizing Steward Juan Montoya, who works for PG&E as a senior service rep in the Fresno call center and had never attended any sort of lineman or gas rodeo before. “I can sense the amount of pride these members have in doing the type of work that they do. It is self-evident that their families are proud of them too. This experience was eye-opening, and I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity.”
“Attending the event with other union members was a valuable and rewarding experience, and provided opportunities for learning, networking, and building solidarity within the labor movement,” said Organizing Steward and PG&E Customer Service Rep Ramona Garcia. “[I enjoyed] watching the GSRs and Lineman doing what they do best; it gives a better understanding of how dangerous their job can be when they are in the field. I am thankful for the opportunity to attend.”
Spectators watch as linemen compete in the Rodeo
Two IBEW gas members competing in the Gas Rodeo competition
Families flocked to the IBEW 1245 booth for stickers and other fun giveaways
Families flocked to the IBEW 1245 booth for stickers and other fun giveaways
Adam Weber, Juan Montoya, Pete Sandoval, Veronica Rivera and Ramona Garcia at the IBEW 1245 booth