It is with a heavy heart that we announce the passing of retired IBEW 1245 member John Mendoza. Brother Mendoza served the union as a shop steward, Executive board member, and Business Rep before his well-deserved retirement in 2020.

John Mendoza in 2016, a few years before his retirement
“He was a wonderful man and served our members well,” said IBEW 1245 Business Manager Bob Dean. “He will be missed.”
Mendoza was initiated into the IBEW in 1983, and he worked for PG&E for 35 years, most recently as a Miscellaneous Equipment Operator. While at PG&E, he served on the IBEW 1245 executive board for nine years.
Mendoza joined the union staff as a business rep in 2006, and was known around the IBEW for his warm smile, considerate demeanor, and dedication to the membership. He served as the chair of the IBEW 1245 Golf Tournament for many years until his retirement.
Although he had left his job at the union, Mendoza was still an active 1245 retiree up until his passing, attending union events whenever he was able.
“I just gave him a big hug at the 1245 soccer tournament,” said IBEW 1245 staffer Eileen Purcell. “Holding his kids and sisters and entire community in heart and mind.”
In an obituary, his family describes him as “an easygoing family man.”
“Johnny loved having fun nicknames for each of the kids and enjoyed family gatherings. He was always up to a good prank and loved laughing with others. Some of his favorite past times were hunting, fishing and taking his annual trips to Alaska. Although a reserved man, Johnny was quite social at times, he loved traveling to Reno and Tahoe and knew all the casino employees by name and even brought them gifts when visiting. Johnny will be remembered for his giving heart, his kind spirit and his unconditional love he had for his daughters. He will be missed by all who loved and cared for him.”
A celebration of life will be on Tuesday, May 23, 2023 at 11:00 AM held at The Place of Refuge 486 Button Ave. in Manteca, followed by a graveside at Parkview Cemetery. For direct condolences to the family, an online tribute page is available at