From left: IBEW 1245 Senior Assistant Business Manager Bob Gerstle, President Cecelia De La Torre, Consul General of Ukraine in San Francisco Kushneruk Dmytro, Business Manager Bob Dean, Vice President Willie Garris, Senior Assistant Business Manager Ralph Armstrong
The IBEW 1245 Executive Board sponsored Kushneruk Dmytro, Consul General of Ukraine in San Francisco, to attend the Western LAMPAC conference in March.
Western LAMPAC is a labor-management partnership association of electric utilities and the IBEW. For more than 40 years, LAMPAC has represented the mutual interests of its membership in matters related to public affairs affecting the utility industry. This membership includes more than 20 IBEW local union organizations representing more than 100,000 bargaining unit members. The utilities involved are owned by governmental entities or are publicly traded companies with several million shareholders serving 11 western states and covering approximately 35 percent of the geographical area of the contiguous continental United States.