After seven years on staff and 38 years as an IBEW 1245 member, Business Rep Mark McCrea is retiring from the union this spring.
“Mark has been a stalwart union man for nearly four decades. He’s served IBEW 1245 and our members extremely well as a Business Rep, and our union is stronger because of the work that he’s done,” said Business Manager Bob Dean. “Mark, my heartfelt congratulations to you on reaching this momentous milestone. Wishing you many joyful years ahead in retirement.”

Mark McCrea
Brother McCrea started his career at PG&E in the early 80s fresh out of Napa Junior College. He was initiated into the IBEW in 1983 as a cartman, assisting underground troublemen. He got into the line apprenticeship program shortly thereafter, and journeyed out a few years later. He worked for PG&E as a journeyman lineman, foreman and troubleman out of San Francisco, San Rafael, Petaluma, Healdsburg, Geyserville, St. Helena, and Clear Lake for more than 30 years. During that time, he also served the union as an IBEW 1245 shop steward, and he sat as a member of what is now known as the EC Committee (back when the company was first developing its original “FACTS” system for documenting, assessing, and writing up work tags).
McCrea joined the staff of IBEW 1245 as a Business Rep in 2015, supporting members at PG&E yards throughout the North Coast area, from Lake County all the way up to Humboldt.

In 1987, McCrea participated in the Memorial Beach Pentathlon, known as “The River of No Return,” in Healdsburg. The event included a half-mile swim, 13 mile canoe, quarter mile canoe portage, 10 mile run, and 26 mile bike ride. He’s pictured here with some high school friends that he’s still in touch with.
“IBEW has given me everything. My family, my job, the success I’ve had throughout my life. I have absolutely zero complaints, and I’m very appreciative. I’ve been blessed, for sure,” said McCrea. “My fondest memories are the times when I was at the union hall just with everybody. I love staff meetings. I loved just being around everybody. It’s a great group. Going to miss all the smiling faces and wonderful friendships. That’s what I’ll miss most.”
McCrea’s Business Rep assignment kept him on the road frequently. In retirement, McCrea is looking forward to spending more time with his wife (who is also retiring) and visiting with his adult children.
“I have kids that are in Texas and Florida. So we’ll be traveling. Not a lot, but when the weather’s cold here, I’ll be in Florida,” McCrea said.
“Mark, our careers have mirrored each other’s. We both went from apprentice to journeyman in the Bay Area, salmon run out, and then working for 1245,” said Senior Assistant Business Manager Bob Gerstle. “I wish you a long and healthy retirement, and I look forward to buying you dinner in El Dorado County.”