The IBEW 1245 members at NV Energy have overwhelmingly rejected a four-year extension to the current collective bargaining agreement, which is set to expire in September of this year.
Of the 407 IBEW 1245 members at NV Energy, 270 (66%) cast votes. The final vote tally was:
YES: 24 (8.9%) NO: 245 (91.1%) Void: 1
“The IBEW 1245 members at NV Energy have spoken loud and clear,” said IBEW 1245 Business Manager Bob Dean. “This vote demonstrates the power that exists within our bargaining units – every union vote is true democracy in action, and this is all part of the process. The next step involves our negotiating team preparing opening letters in anticipation of returning to the bargaining table, with the goal of achieving the best possible outcome for our members.”
The union is currently accepting proposals from members at NVE for the next round of bargaining. Proposal forms have already been distributed to shop stewards, so please ask your shop steward for one if you have a proposal idea. Completed proposals may be submitted at unit meetings or to Business Rep Adam Weber.