UPDATED March 11, 2021
What is IBEW 1245’s position on the COVID-19 vaccine?
The union understands that our membership may have mixed feelings about the vaccine. Local 1245 respects each and every union member’s right to make their own decisions about whether to take the vaccine. All currently available data indicates that widespread vaccination is in the best interest of our membership, our customers, and our communities.
When will utility and energy workers be eligible to get the vaccine?
Ever since the COVID-19 vaccine first became available, IBEW 1245 has been aggressively advocating on behalf of our members who wish to receive the vaccine, in order to allow them to have access to it as soon as possible.
Previously, utility workers were categorized as 1C in the vaccine priority schedule, but thanks in large part to our advocacy with decision-makers in Sacramento, we are pleased to announce that utility workers that provide emergency support (including electricity, gas, water, waste, and roads/highways) are now classified as 1B under the Emergency Services Worker designation. Local 1245 members that fall into this category are now eligible to get the COVID-19 vaccine. You can read more about the designation changes in the official bulletin here.
Californians can visit https://myturn.ca.gov/ to determine vaccine eligibility and Nevadans can visit https://www.immunizenevada.org/covid-19-faq.
Will my employer require me to be vaccinated?
IBEW 1245 has been in contact with all signatory employers to discuss the potential for mandatory vaccines. At this time, none of our employers are requiring the vaccine. Should that change, Local 1245 will respond accordingly.
How safe and effective is the vaccine, really?
All studies indicate that the vaccine is both effective and safe. The CDC is the best source for evidence-based information about the vaccine.