The last three months has been a blur, and yet, 2020 seems to have been the longest year I have ever experienced. As 2020 fades away, I am optimistically looking forward to a more positive 2021.
As a senior, it is important to stay abreast of events that can affect your health and financial security. The California Alliance for Retired Americans (CARA) is an important source of information for issues like Social Security, Medicare, hospital stays, and current legislative efforts that could alter that security.
An important development in California was the creation, by Governor Newsom in 2019, of the an Advisory Committee for the development of a Master Plan for Aging. Its purpose is to prepare the state for the changing demographics, in which seniors are becoming a larger percentage. CARA, through Executive Director Jodi Reid, is an important member of this committee.
As an IBEW 1245 retiree, you could play a vital role in protecting the security of seniors by joining CARA. Your involvement would benefit retired union members with retirement security, as well as those seniors which have neither financial security nor healthcare security.
Please make it a New Year’s Resolutions to become more involved in maintaining the security of seniors and please choose CARA. There are 17 CARA Action Teams (CATS) throughout California. To find a CAT near you call: 415-550-0828, 877-223-6107 (Toll Free).
–Bill Wallace, IBEW 1245 retirees club