Photos from the IBEW 1245 Pin Dinner in Merced, CA on Feb. 21, 2020
45 year member Daniel Mayo (center) and his wife Jackie (right) and Tom Dalzell (left)
40 year members Jeffrey Young (left) and Steven Castillo (right) with Tom Dalzell
35 year members Rodney Stewart (left) and Zane Williams (right) with Tom Dalzell
30 year members Tracey Crow (left) and Richard Torres (right) with Business Manager Tom Dalzell
15 year members, from left: Front row- Filemon Gonzales, Michael Patterson and Steve Johnson. Back row- Michael Van Egmond, Blake Redding and Erik Paige
10 year member Nathan Hamill (left) with 5 year member Antonio Vega
5 year members, from left: Front row- Paul Grise and Jeremy Lee. Back row- Brian Haygood
5 year members, from left: Front row- Antonio Vega and Nicholas Larrison. Back row- Juan Olide and Anthony Limon-Davis