Robert Smith’s winning photo
At the quarterly Advisory Council meeting in October, it was announced that 16-year IBEW 1245 member Robert Smith has won the quarterly photo contest. His winning photo depicts helicopter-assisted linework from a unique vantage point.
Brother Smith works for PG&E Hydro out of Rogers Flat/Storrie and is a resident of Paradise. He was unable to attend the Advisory Council meeting to accept his prize as he’s busy rebuilding his home, so his $500 award was mailed to him.
The union is now accepting submissions for next quarter’s photo contest! All active 1245 members in good standing are eligible to enter, max five entries per quarter. Images must be original, high-resolution, and work-related. Submit entries to RGB1@ibew1245.com with ‘photo contest’ in the email subject line, and be sure to include your full name and either date of birth or member number to confirm eligibility.