The devastating Carr Fire continues to rage through Shasta county, and hundreds of IBEW 1245 members are on the scene in Redding to begin the demanding and arduous restoration process.
PG&E has dispatched dozens of Local 1245 crews to the Redding area, and the City of Santa Clara is also sending a 10-person mutual aid team of Local 1245 members to assist the City of Redding Electric Utility. Mutual aid is coming in from a number of other IBEW-represented utilities as well. IBEW 1245 business reps and union staffers are on site in Redding for the duration of the event to support members and address any issues that may arise.
The union is aware of at least five Local 1245 members who lost their homes to the Carr fire, and dozens of others who have been evacuated and displaced by these and the other active fires that are tearing through the state. If you are aware of other members who have been impacted, please notify your business rep. We will be sharing more information on our website and social media in the coming days and weeks.