IBEW 1245 members at City Light Power. Pictured from left: Enos Drummond, Crew Supervisor; Tom Cooper, Shop Steward/CL&P Maintenance Electrical Worker (Lineman); Jorge Contreras, General Maintenance Worker; Jed Marsh, Maintenance Electrical Worker (Lineman); Phillip Pointer, Maintenance Electrical Worker (Lineman)
On Jan. 3, 2018, Local 1245 membership at City Light and Power, Travis Air Force Base unanimously ratified a Table Agreement by a vote of 5-0.
The Table Agreement was reached with the Company in late December with full support of the committee, and was overall very positive. Some key features of the agreement include:
- A six-year term, in effect until Dec. 31, 2023
- Annual wage increases based on CPI with a minimum of 2.5% effective July 1, 2018
- Improved language for temporary upgrades and permanent promotional opportunities
- Improved sick leave carry-over provisions
- Improved compensation and language for stand-by duty and new anticipated emergency crew stand-by language
- Reasonable paid time for CDL A medical exams
The negotiating committee consisted of Shop Steward/CL&P Maintenance Electrical Worker (Lineman) Tom Cooper and Business Representative JV Macor.
–JV Macor, IBEW 1245 Business Rep