On September 28, 2017, IBEW Local Union 1245 held its third biennial Negotiating Committee member training at WeakleyHall in Vacaville. More than 100 IBEW 1245 members from both public and private (including manufacturing) employers — most of whom who have served on IBEW 1245 negotiating committee members in the past, or are prospective committee members for future IBEW 1245 negotiating committees — participated in the day-long training.

Dennis Seyfer shares examples of the difference that strong negotiators can make at the bargaining table
Senior Assistant Business Manager Dennis Seyfer kicked off the training with his own real-life examples of just how important it is for 1245’s negotiating committee members to be on their game in order to best represent our membership. Mid-morning, Business Manager Tom Dalzell explained to the attending union negotiators that next to safety, contract bargaining is the most important function that IBEW 1245 performs for its membership. Dalzell pointed out that being an effective negotiating committee member is one of the most difficult, but also most rewarding, functions that a 1245 member could perform for the overall good of the membership.
The training was comprised of six key topics, including:
The Role of the IBEW 1245 Negotiating Committee Member: Supporting the process before bargaining begins, and supporting the process at the table (led by Business Reps Pat Waite and Sam Glero)
Do the Research: Know the condition of the bargaining unit and the employer/Pricing the negotiating proposal 101/Classification Compensation Surveys (led by Senior Assistant Business Manager Ray Thomas and Business Rep Al Fortier)
Getting to a table agreement, with focus on individual committee member feelings/beliefs on the package proposal, as well as supporting/explaining the table agreement before the membership (facilitated by Business Reps JV Macor, Al Fortier, Sheila Lawton, Jennifer Gray, Cruz Serna, Pat Waite, Sam Glero and Charley Souders)
Insight to employer perspective and expectations (led by special guest Austris Rungis, a Journeyman Negotiator from Industrial Employers Distributors Association)
An open discussion on the role of the IBEW 1245 Negotiating Committee member (facilitated by Business Reps JV Macor, Al Fortier, Sheila Lawton, Jennifer Gray, Cruz Serna, Pat Waite, Sam Glero, Charley Souders)
Janus vs. AFSCME: How could the future U.S. Supreme Court decision effect our future bargaining, and how does 1245 intend to address the threat to our membership? (led by Senior Assistant Business Manager Ray Thomas)