From left: Retirees Club members Jim Lappin, Frank Istrice, President Ron Borst, Vickie Borst, Kathie Preston, Washoe County Adult Services Division Director Ken Retterath, Cyril Escallier
In what has now become an annual tradition, the IBEW 1245 Reno/Sparks Retirees Club once again collected fans to donate to low-income seniors who cannot afford air conditioning. The weather in Washoe County often exceeds 100 degrees in the summer months, and heat illness can be a serious condition among seniors.
This year, the Retirees Club collected 60 fans, which is the most fans collected since they began this program a few years ago. The retirees presented the donated fans to Washoe County Adult Services Division Director Ken Retterath, who will assist with delivering the fans to seniors in need this summer.