Photos from the IBEW 1245 Pin Dinner in San Luis Obispo on March 18, 2016
Bryan Anderson
Leobardo Gomez-Olivera (20)
Genaro Olivera (15)
James Blake (45)
Jose M Perez (20)
30 year members -- Front row; Sandra Eatherly, James Cox, and Albert Castro. Back row; Robert Johnston, Manuel Romero, and Michael Constantine
Todd Kamphaus (20)
Mike Estrada (5)
45 year member James Blake with Tom Dalzell
Jack Huggins (5)
Elivero Jaimes (10)
Lawrence Wise (30)
25 year member Randy Fulmer with Tom Dalzell
James Cox (30)
Justin Brock (5)
Darrel Andrews (35)
10 year members -- Luke Bittner, Eliverio Jaimes, and Victor Velasquez
Randy Fulmer (25)
40 year member David Selstad with Tom Dalzell
David Schmidt (20)
Alex Farrington (5)
Andrea Guerrero (15)
Sandra Eatherly (30)
20 year members -- Front row; David Schmidt, Todd Goetsch. Back row; Jose Perez, Todd Kamphaus
Jose Mejia (5)
35 year members Lawrence Wise and Darrel Andrews with Tom Dalzell
15 year members -- Front row; Genaro Olivera and Andrea Guerrero. Back row; Randall Westmoreland and Leobardo Gomez-Olivera
5 year members -- Front row; Aaron Stein, and Richard Morton. Back row; Shane Wisner and Jose Mejia
Victor Velasquez (10)
5 year members -- Front row; Justin Brock and Mike Estrada. Back row; Alex Farrington, Jack Huggins, and Jason Motterat
Todd Goetsch (20)
Luke Bittner (10)
David Selstad (40)