Photos from the IBEW 1245 Pin Dinner in Bakersfield on March 4, 2016
Nick Smith (5)
LB Williams (40)
5 year members: Back row; Zachery Doty, Michael Vaughn, Aaron Allred and Timothy Moore. Front row; Cole Siemens, Jordan Chene and Nick Smith
Steven Miller (40)
Michael Rodriguez (10)
Senior Assistant Business Manager Bob Dean with 30 year members Anthony Sakamoto and Sidney Lemay
Senior Assistant Business Manager Bob Dean with 15-year member Alycia Brown
Shawn Kelley (10)
10 year members: Front row; Michael Lodien, Gavin Salcido. Back row; Matthew Taylor, Shawn Kelly
Zachery Doty (5)
10 year members: Front row; Arturo Flores, Ruben Martinez. Back row; Michael Rodriguez, Willson Ireson
Alycia Brown (15)
Senior Assistant Business Manager Bob Dean with 40 year members Steven Miller and LB Williams
Gavin Salcido (10)
Aaron Allred (5)
Ruben Martinez (10)
Jordan Chene (5)
Timothy Moore (5)
Cole Siemens (5)
Michael Vaughn (5)
Arturo Flores (10)
Business Manager Tom Dalzell with John and Hilda Jones
Sidney Lemay (30)
Willson Ireson (10)